English Literature

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Informal Communication and its Features

Formal channels are not only media of communication. In an organization a considerable portion, of communication are completed through informal channels. Communication without using formal channel is known as informal communication.
In the words of Thill and Bovee, "informal communication travels along the
organization's unofficial lines of activity and power."
S. P. Robbins said, "informal communication is free to move of any direction, skip
authority levels and is as likely to satisfy group members, social needs."
In short informal communication takes place among different level of employees
by-passing the formal network.
Characteristics features :
1. Organizational hierarchy not followed
2. Free flow of information
3] Rapid communication
4. Information may be distorted
5. Lack of evidence

Advantages and Disadvantages of Informal Communication
Advantages of informal communication are as follows :
1. Free flow of information : As no formal channel is maintained information can flow freely among the employees of the organization.
2. Rapid communication : In case of informal communication messages can be transmitted to the ultimate recipient faster than formal communication. I
3. Suitable for motivation : In modern days many communication experts advocated that informal communication is more appropriate for motivating employees. `
4. Remove mental distances : Through informal communication employees can share their views on any problem. As a result mental distances are reduced.
5. Increase enthusiasm : Due to the very nature of informal communication it allows lower level employees to communicate freely with the tops management. Accordingly .problems of lower level employees can be minimized and their enthusiasm increased.
6. Evaluation of employees : Sometimes it is necessary for the management to evaluate the attitudes of the employees. Through informal communication management can .come closer to the operational level employees and judge their attitudes clearly.
7. Supportive : Informal communication is not just a separate system of exchanging information, it is also supportive to the formal communication. Meaning of formal communication can be clarified by the informal communication.
8. Increase cooperation : Cooperation among the employees increased by informal communication.
9. Flexibility : One of the major advantages of informal communication is flexibility.
Infact it is popular among the employees for its flexibility. It can adopt with the demand
of the situation.
10. Enhance mutual trust : By removing mental distance informal communication also enhance the mutual trust between the management and employees.

Disadvantages :
1. Lack of control : Sometimes informal communication damage the official decorum which lead to lack of control.
2. Distortion : Another major limitation of informal communication is, there is a chance of distortion of messages as it passes from top to bottom.
3. Rumor can take place : By taking the opportunity of informal communication rumor can take place. If rumor' is not properly controlled it can be detrimental to the organization.
4. Not reliable : Informal communication is not reliable and can not be used safely.
5. No documentary evidence : Another demerit of informal communication is it has no documentary evidence.
6. Secrecy not maintained : A major loophole of the informal communication is secrecy of the information is not maintained. Thus sometimes interest of the organization: may be hampered.
 7. Conflict : Due to lack of control information may be distorted, which may lead to internal conflict among the employees. '
8. Chance of error : As official chain and procedures are not followed, chance of error increases. Fraudulent activities also can take place.

Difference between Formal and Informal Communication
Difference between formal and informal communication are as follows
Formal Communication
Informal Communication
l. Definition

When communication takes
place through the formal official
channels then it is known as
formal communication.
Any communication by passing
the formal channels can be
termed as informal

2. Flexibility

Formal communication is not
It is flexible.

3. Degree of control

Formal communication is totally
controlled by the management.
It can not be controlled like
formal communication.

4. Evidence

It has documentary evidence.

It has no documentary evidence.
5. Discipline

Official discipline is strictly
maintained in formal
Official decorum and discipline
are not followed.

6. Flow of information

In formal communication information can flow only upward and downward
But in informal communication
information flows freely to all direction.
7. Speed
Here speed of communication  is slow.
Informal channels are very fast, here information can be
transmitted instantly.
8. Secrecy
In case of formal communication can be maintained.
Here maintaining secrecy is very difficult.

9. Rumor       
There is no scope for creation of rumor in formal communication.
Due to its flexible nature rumor
can be created.

10. Distortion

Generally information is not
As official decorum is not
followed information can be
ll. Time
It is time consuming.
Less time is taken for
transmitting information.
12. Misunderstanding
In case of formal communication
Due to lack of control misunderstanding can takes place.

13. Cost
It is expensive.
It is less expensive than formal

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