English Literature

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Basic Components of Communication

Basically communication is a two-way process. One person can not make communication. At least two persons are required for a successful communication. But
presence of two persons never ensures communication, exchange of message and mutual 'understanding are essential. Basic components of communication can be listed as follows: 
(1) Sender
    (2) Message
    (3) Receiver and
    (4) Feedback
  1. Sender : Sender instigates the communication process. Infact offer or willingness communication comes from the sender. 
  2. Message : Another essential element of communication is 'message'. There must be to be communicated! Whether the message is short or long that does not matter, must be a message Which is to be transmitted by the sender to the receiver. 
  3. Receiver : There must be someone to receive the message? Receiver is the target of message and without a receiver communication is not possible. 
  4. Feedback : Feedback completes the communication loop. For a successful there must be a feedback from the receiver.

Interaction between components :
Components of communication are not separated from each other, rather they are inter-related. The communication takes place through the interaction between components. 'Message' connects the sender and the receiver through a media and the 'feedback' confirms the understanding of the message. Non-cooperation or absence of any of the components will break the 'communication circuit'


Fig-3 Interaction between components of communication.

Features of Communication
Communication is a dynamic process. Information can be exchanged through
communication. The basic characteristics or features of communication are as follows :
At a glance
1. Information/Messages
6. Specific objective(s)
2. Transfer of message
7. Understanding
3. Two or more persons
8. Barriers
4. Media
9. Dynamic process
5. Feedback
10. Indispensable

  1. Information/Messages : Information or message is the basic element of all type of communication. Communication takes place to transfer particular information; message. 
  2. Transfer of message : The main function of communication is to transfer particular message or information. 
  3. Two or more persons : Basically communication is a two way process. One person can not make successful communication. At least two persons are required to complete the communication process. 
  4. Media : Without a media communication can not take place. Information can be transferred through written, verbal or non-verbal media. 
  5. Feedback: Communication experts think that no feedback no communication'. infact communication cycle ends with feedback For effective communication there must be a feedback from the receiver 
  6. Specific objective(s): Communication always made to satisfy a predetermined objective (s). That Is in any type of communication there must be a specific purpose 
  7. Understanding: Communication must include both the transfer and understanding of messages Only transfer of message can not complete the communication process To be effective the transferred message must be understood by receiver 
  8. Barriers: Where there is communication there must be some kind of barriers In real  world we can not think of communication without barriers; Infect we are to make communication by overcoming the barriers. 
  9. Dynamic Process : Communication is not a static process, rather it is a dynamic process which has different steps. 
  10. Indispensable : Perhaps the most important feature of communication is, it is an indispensable part of human life or social life. Without communication will be static.

Communication Situation
Mr. Maruf is Walking towards his college slowly, suddenly he looks at his watch
and increases the pace of walking (because it is 9.55, only 5 minutes left for the exam.)
-» is it a communication situation?  
We can argue in the following manner :
(i) By activating one of his sensory organs i.e., through eye Mr. Maruf was seeking
for the time (an information);
(ii) By looking at the watch information need regarding time fulfilled (the watch
gave  the feedback
              * Two parties (Maruf and the Watch)
              * Maruf passes the information need by looking at the watch n
              * By expressing the time feedback is given by the watch
As basic conditions fulfilled this can be a communication situation.
Lets have another example,
Mr. Palash a subscriber (user) of Grameen phone like to know his balance in the
prepaid account and accordingly press the following buttons,of his mobile phon

sequentially :
 As the request is made the Grameen phone network replied:
5 Your account balance is BDT 132.22 valid till 30/07/l0, Dial 400l and enjoy .............. In this case a request is made by Mr. Palash and reply (Feedback) made by another party (i.e. Grameen phone network); is communication situation exist? Yes it is a technology based communication situation. In the light of above practical examples it can be stated that the presence of two parties (a sender and a receiver), exchange of mutually understood message and proper feedback constitute the communication situation.
In other words, communication situation exist when two persons (a sender and a receiver) exchange information which is mutually understood and the process concludes by feedback from the receiver. Elements of Communication. Situation : Basic elements of a communication:
situation are as follows :
(i) A Sender (passing the information)
(ii) A receiver (receiving the information)
(iii) Mutual understanding of the message
(iv) Feedback from the receiver.

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