English Literature

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Communication System

The way through which information is exchanged or communication takes place is known as communication system. In other words, information exchanging system can be termed as communication system.
The communication system has the following elements or components :
 (1) Input
 (2) Process
                                        (3) Output

  1. Input : The first components of the communication system is input. In this step data are provided in oral, Written or nonverbal forms. Without data or information we can not think of the communication system. 
  2. Process : In this component or in this step both the sender and receiver are involved.  First of all the sender generate an idea then 'encode' it; encoding is the formation of message or making the message understandable. After encoding through a signal- or media message is send to the receiver. The decoding function is conducted by the receiver.  In case of decoding the receiver explain or interpret the meaning of the message. 
  3. Output : After decoding the message the receiver can accept or reject the meaning and accordingly take action. The action is the output of communication.The output or action can be. transmitted through feedback. That is feedback is the external expression of the output which is informed to the sender.

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