English Literature

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

  Human beings are superior to other creatures because of their mental powers not for
the physical strengths. At the primitive stage of civilization human can not talk but communication each other by using 'signs' and 'symbols'. For the very existence ancient men need work in groups, for any sort of collective effort communication IS essential Though the word 'civilization' has different meanings, but here we will focus onthe chronological development of the human society. It can be said that civilization IS the external manifestation of latent potentialities of human.
Communication has enabled us to organize to work in groups and through organization, we have been able to overcome barriers to our existence that are could not have conquered individuallyl s Let us have a look on the different phases of civilization

Fig-6 : Phases of Civilization
1.   Lesikar &: ].D. Pettit, IR., Business Communication, Theory and Application 6th ed 1996 Richard
 If we consider each of the -above phases we will see that development comes 
the collective endeavour of men. We can't even think of cooperation without;
communication. Moreover communication has high degree of positive correlation with_
the cooperation, thatis more communication means more cooperation. Thus we can
summarize the matter as follows 2 `
More Communication More Cooperation More Development
_ ~ Rapid Civilization
Fig-7 : Communication and Civilization
n Communication and Modern Times : Flourishment rather explosion of technology
based communications boost-up the pace of modernization. Without faster and easier
communication the term 'globalization' would be an utopian thought. The information
superhighway turns the Whole world into a global village. h
Increase of both intra-country and inter-country communication contributed a lot in
the expansion of world economy. In the last decade due to the expansion of
communication business activities expanded many times than ever before. _ `
Education, Health, Cultural and_ every sector or every sphere of life has been
influenced by the explosion of communication. Thus we can_ conclude that today's
civilized society is the result of collective efforts of millions of men over the millionsiof
years; contributions of scholars increase the pace of 'civilization -   it is communication
which played the role of a 'catalyst' and turned the possibilities into realities. ,

1.11  Communication and Efficiency of Management t
There is a saying, "human minds are like parachutes, their don 't work until they are
opened ' '- management try to open the minds of the employees and guide them to achieve
the desired goal. But this job of management will not be possible if there is no
Infact communication helps to accomplish all the basic management functions-
planning, organizing, leading and controlling. As a result, organizations can achieve their
goals and meet their challenges. (Newstrom & Davis, 2002) V
Now let us see how communication helps the function of management.
[___-I Exchange of ideas 
, M - l _, ` - -f
Continuous Communication »
A » M
.Ng P`
A ,
G L Job 1.) Better Fulfillment i i
E O Satisfaction Performance of Target j
Y ' A ’ _
E Provide Motivation C E
N J- y f S
T Direction & Control »
o Fig. 8 : Influence of Communication on Management. -
The importance of communication in management can be evaluated in the followin
1. Ensure coordination :u If there is no communication, employees will not be able t
know what their colleagues are doing. Management will not be able to receive informatio
and can not give directions, as a result the organization will collapse. Thus for th
existence of the organization communication is essential A
2. Helpsin controlling : Managers exercise .controlling function when any deviation
takes place. But without the help of communication deviation can not be indentitied
3. Assistydirection : Proper direction is essential to fulfill the organizational goal
managers can not receive required information about the proceedings then they will not he
able to provide proper directions. Thus there must be a sound commtmicatron system mr#
receiving required information.
4. Supports motivation : To motivate employees,” management at tirst tm in
understand the motives and attitudes of the employees. Without communication slullllill
others' attitude can not be evaluated and thus proper incentives can not be provide
motivate them.
5. Human resource development: The future of the organization largely depends
on the delopment of the human resource of the organization It has been provedithat
mangers having excellent communication skill can guide the human resource in proper
6. Leadership: Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting 'others to
work enthusiastically toward achieving objectives (K Davis 2002). That is managers
achieve goal by directing the activities of others. Thus they need tocommunicate with
other to provide proper direction. g
7. Decision making : Decision making-perhaps .the most important managerial
activity also depends on communication. Top management need useful information to
make effective decision. Adequate and authentic information can be obtained through
sound communication system. _ '
Finally it can be said that managers can play vital role to ensure the achievement of
organizational goal- but Without effective communication that will turn into a nightmare.

Scope of Business Communication
We are social being, to live or to exist in the society we have to communicate each
other. We spend more time in communicating than doing anything else. (Lesikar and Pettit
1996). Thus different kinds of activities, like personal, social, national, global, political,
religious, cultural, financial etc. all are within the scope of communication. Scope of
communication are as follows :
1. From personal context: An individual can do nothing without communication. He
or she can achieve his or her goal of life and maintain proper relation with relatives and
other by effective communication.
2. From social context : Men of societies communicate each other in various
meeting, function etc. and contribute for social development.
3. From organizational context : Communication involves proper planning,
decision making, controlling, directing, coordinating etc. and plays vital role to achieve
organizational goal.  
4. From political context : Political parties depend on various media of
communication to face their opposition and get power. Such as : Radio, television,
newspaper, meeting, public gathering, press conference etc.
i 5. From religious context : Without proper communication it is not possible to give
perfect concept about each religion to their-followers. Religious groups depend on
interpersonal, intergroup and mass communication to preach their religion.
6. From global context : Every nation of present world depend on each other in
different affairs. For this reason UN, EU, NAFTA, SAARC, are formed to maintain
international communication. .
. 7. From national context : Effective communication system help general public to
participate various government activities through their elected representatives and
coordinate among the various government authorities and departments to develop socio-
economic condition of the country.
8. From the context of business : Effective communication aid management or
owner to maintain good relation between internal (i,e, employees) and external parties (i.
e. Bank, tax authorities etc.) to maximize production, sales, and .profit of the business or
9. From financial context : All financial matters of various organizations and parties
are settled under effective communication system.
10. From cultural context ; Cultural activities are controlled and increased by
various media and way of communication such as : Radio, television etc. _

Characteristics of Effective Communication
Effective communication is essential for the success of the organization. But to ensure
effective communication one should consider the following factors :
1. Correctness : Correctness is the first quality of effective communication. Wrong
messages failed to serve the purpose of communication, thus the sender should aware of
the correctness.
2. Open communication climate : The communication climate of the organization
affects the quality of information. There should be a open communication climate for
exchanging views, that is employees should get opportunity to participate in the decision
making process.
3. Meaningful information : The information or message should be expressed in
such away that the receiver can easily understand.
4. Making goodwill : Effective communication should enhance the goodwill of the
5. Using audience centered approach : Using an audience centrered means keeping
your audience in mind at all times when communicating. (Thill and Bovee 1996)
‘6. Natural tone : To ensure effective communication the tone of the message must be
natural and sincere. Any kind of artificial tone should be avoided.
7. Intercultural differences : Another major factor for effective communication is
understanding the intercultural difference between the sender and the reader.
8. Clear and Completeness : Messages should be written or presented clearly and

Communication Cycle or Process _
Communication is the process of exchanging information and understanding from one
person to another person. It provides a bridge of meaning by which people can share
their feelings. The communication process has eight sequential steps which is shown in
the following figure.

Step-1 : Develop idea : In any kind of communication at first the sender develop as
idea which he/she Wants to transmit.
Step 2: Encode.: In this step sender convert the idea into a message by using
suitable words, charts, or any other symbol. Here the sender uses his/her own ‘filter of
concept' develop the message.
Step 3: Transmit : After encoding the message sender takes initiative to transfer the
message receiver. Sender also select proper media for the transmission of message.
Step 4 : Receive : Here receiver receives the message which is transferred by the
sender If the receiver do not receive the message then the communication failed. _
Step-5 : Decode : To understand the received message the receiver need to decode
the message. Decoding is the process of ‘explanation of the message' which produce the
meaning of the message. This step is very important for the success of communication
because understanding of the message completely depend on it.
Step-6 : Accept .1 After decoding, it depends on the receiver whether he/she will
accept or reject the message. Acceptance mainly depends on the credibility of the sender
and attitude of the receiver.
Step-7 : Use : This step also controlled by the receiver. The receiver can use the
message immediately or in future considering his/her interest.
Step-8 : Feedback_: It is the last but perhaps the most important step for successful
communication. In this step the receiver responds to the sender. The loop of
communication infact completes with the response of the receiver, which is known as
Whether the message is accepted or not can be realised by the feedback of the receiver.
These are the steps of the communication process. It should be mentioned that there
are some barriers in the communication process which can disturb whole process.

Barriers to Effective Communication
"Different man- different minds", it is more than true in case of communicatio
P ° ` ` essa e canl
Without any physical barriers, simply due to psychological differences a m g
misunderstood by the receiver. _
bl m eo raphjcal distance etc. are al;
Physical barriers like noise, listening pro e , g p
common barriers in case of communication.
Barriers to effective communication can be classified as follows :
nA. Personal barriers
B. Physical barriers P
C. Semantic barriers '
D. Organizational barriers
A. Personal Barriers : Personal barriers have a strong e
Personalbarriers are as follows :
ll. Emotions a
2. Differences in perception;
3. Listening
4. Psychological distance
ffect on communicatz;
1. Emotion : It _can affect the development of an idea, method of transmission and
mending process. Emotional biases restrict people to understand the real meaning. f
2. Difference" in perception : Different people's perceptions are different. Thus the
sender may encode the message in his/her own way but the receiver can explain it
ntferently due to difference in perception. .
3. Listening : Another personal barrier is problem in listening skill. That is only due
rr listening problem message can be misinterpreted.
4. Psychological distance : Like perception attitude and overall psychological frame
:f mind varies from man to man. As a result same message can be viewed differently in
different people.
B. Physical Barriers : Physical barriers are the external forces that “create adverse
effect on communication process. Physical barriers are :
1. Noise
2. Geographical distance
3. Incorrect choice of medium
1. Noise : It is a very common type of physical barrier. Due to noise the receiver may
failed to receive the actual meaning.
2. Geographical distance : Sometimes geographical distance makes it difficult to
have immediate feedback. As a result communication process is not completed.
3. Incorrect choice of .medium : Choice of medium depends on the nature of the
message. The message can be distorted due to incorrect choice of medium.
  C. Semantic barriers : Semantic barriers are also known as language barriers. Two
people both speak in same language, ‘but still there may be language barriers between
them. Semantic barriers are as follows :
1. Use of wrong words
2. Use of colloquial language
3. Use of jargon
4. Symbols
1. Use of wrong words : Depending on the education and knowledge level of the
receiver proper words should be used. Language of a farmer and language of an economist
are not same. Thus use of improper or wrong words are barriers to effective
2. Use of ' colloquial language : Use of colloquial language not only change the
orginal meaning, it may lead to serious misunderstanding.
3. Use; of jargon : Use of jargon or technical words with the people of different
proffession can create confusion.
4. Symbols : People of different geographical region or from different culture use
different kinds of symbols. In real world it is also observed that same symbolhas
different meanings in different countries.
D. Organizational barriers sl Business communication is also _influenced by
organizational barriers. Maj or organizational barriers are :
I . Information overload 4. Status
2. Message complexity 5. Lack of trust
3. Message competition 6, Unethical communication
1. Information overload : Individual's capacity is limited, thus when too much
messages need to be answerd in the same time then it creates overload and communication
2. Message complexity : Sometimes due to the very nature of the subject matter .
messages become complex and complicated.
3. Message competition : In a big organization often messages compete each other
for attention. A manager can face problem if he asked something over telephone while
he/ she is writing a report.
4. Status ; In an organization employees of lower status sometimes face problem:
communicate negative news to the top management. As a result communication gap is
5. Lack of trust : It is another organizational barrier to effective communication. for
successful communication there should be a trusting environment within the organization.
6. Unethical communication : Unethical communication seriously damage the
goodwill of the organization. Thus messages should be ethical and credible.

Feedback : Features of Feedback
Feedback is the final step of communication process. Infact communication
loop/Cycle completes with the feedback.
In the words of S.P. Robbins, "Feedback determine whether or not understanding has
been achieved" that is through feedback We can realize Whether the message is
understood by the receiver or not.
In short feedback is the response of the receiver.
Principles/Features of feedback : Feedback is essential for the completion of
successful communication. Features of effective communication are as follows :
1. Specific :Feedback should be specific. Ambiguity or double meaning should be
Q 2. Clear : Another important feature of feedback is clearness. That is the response of
the receiver must be clear.
3. Immediate : In case of face to face or oral communication feedback should be given
immediately. In case of Written communication it should be provided as early as possible.
4. Detail : Feedback should be provided in detail, Short or brief feedback may be
misleading, thus it should be detail enough to express the actual view.
  5. Complete : Feedback should be not only detail but also complete. Incomplete
feedback is confusing and meaningless.
6. Spontaneous : Feedback should not be provided just as a part of formality; it
should be given spontaneously.
7. Understandable : An indispensable principle of feedback is it must be easily
understandable. For successful completion of communication, feedback need to be
understandable by the sender.
These are the principles of effective feedback which should be followed by a receiver
to make -the communication successful.

Necessity of Feedback:
Feedback is the final link in the communication process. It puts the response of the
receiver back into the process and completes the communication cycle. Thus feedback is
essential or indispensable for effective communication.
If no feedback is received the sender can not be sure about the understanding of the

Ricks and Gow said, "Feed back must be provided within the communication
system to make certain that mutual understanding is achieved."
Sender ' Receiver
Response ’
Fig; -10: Feedback
For the following reasons feedback is essential for effective communication :
1. Understand receiver's view : Through feedback the reaction of the receiver can be
easily understood and following steps can be taken.
2. Completing communication process : Infact without feedback there is no
communication at all. Whether the messages of the sender is accepted or rejected, used or
not by the receiver can not be realized without feedback.
3. Achievement of goal : Each and_ every communication has a predetermined
objective. Through feedback that objective can be achieved.
4. Effective decision making : Within the organization the feedback of employees
help the top management in taking effective decision.
5. Pre-requisite for further communication : Feedback of the previous
communication is a prerequisite/precondition for the further/future communication.
For example; in a game of chess the next move of a player completely depends on
the move l of his/her opponent. Like this, in business communication future
correspondence totally depends on the previous feedback of the receiver.
Thus it can be revealed that for effective communication the response of the receiver
(feedback) is essential. Finally it can be stated that feedback not only improves
communication but also enhance the managerial performance.
Two-way. Communication and its Importance
The communication that takes place between two parties (sender and receiver) - is
known as two-way communication. But the main feature of two-way communication is
the flow of information from both ways.
In two-way communication first sender' sends a message' and the receiver provides
response to the sender.
From, the above discussion the major features of two-way communication can be
listed as follows :
  Two-parties (sender and receiver)
  Flow of information from both way.
Importance of two-way communication : Importance of two-way communication:
can be discussed in the following manner :
1. Effective communication : Communication experts advocated that two-way
communication is the real communication, where 'exchange' of ideas is possible.
2. Implementation of decisions : In an organization decision are made by the top
management, but those are implemented by the lower level employees. If there is no two-
way communication then proper implementation of decision will not be possible.
3. Better understanding : Where there is no counter flow of information or
feedback, there the level of understanding between the -sender and receiver also very poor
Only two-way communication ensure better understanding.

4. Motivation : It has been proved that the organization where the scope
for two-way communication exist, the management can collect more infomation about the
attitudes of the employees. As a result it becomes easier on the part of the management to
motivational measures.
5. Reduce employee turnover : Two-way communication between management and
employees minimizes misunderstanding and as a result employee turnover rate reduces
5. Increase productivity : As two-way communication helps employee motivation,
 the job satisfaction of employees increases. In turn, the productivities of the firm
Therefore it can be safely stated that, two-way communication has immense
importance in the achievement of organizational goal.

  Communication Model and its importance
A model is a theoretical or symbolic presentation of a process or sequential activities.
The very process of 'transmission of information from sender to receiver is represented by
the communication model.
in other words, a communication model describes how communication works.
According to Prof. Lesikar and Pettit, "in this presentation of the model, we strive to
look with scientific diligence into the phenomenon of human communication."
Thus it can be revealed that communication model is the theoretical view of the
communication process which describes how one person communicates with another
Functions or Importance/Advantages of Communication Model :
The communication model provides a clear picture regarding the communication
process. It serves the following purposes:
1. Basic idea of human communication : Through the communication model we
can get the basic idea about human communication process.
2. Identify steps : The communication model also helps us to identify the sequential
steps of communication.
3. Evolution of effectiveness ; Through the model, effectiveness of any
communication can be evaluated. Thus necessary measures can be taken to increase the
effectiveness of communication.
4. Minimizing barriers : An analysis of the communicatory model also helps to
detect the barriers and accordingly initiatives can be taken to minimize the barriers.
5. Analysis of communication environment : The study of communication model
also provides guidelines for analyzing the communication environment which is also
essential to ensure effective communication.

Limitations of Communication Model
Though communication model plays a vital role in understanding the communication
process, but it' has some drawbacks or limitations. Limitations of the communication
model are as follows :
1. Brief explanation : The communication model is just a framework having brief
explanation. Detail information can not be achieved from it.
2. Lack of flexibility : The basic -communication models are not flexible in nature.
But communication is a dynamic and changing thing. So sometimes it is difficult to cope-
up with models.
3. Limited scope : Most of the communication models are suitable for face to face or
'written communication. But models can not describe the framework of
telecommunication on modem means of communication.

Communication Network
There are different types of network of communication. Communication Network
means the channels by which information flows. Networks can be of two types :
(A) Formal Network and
(B) Informal Networks.
(A) Formal Networks : Formal network are used for task-related communications.
These are generally vertical type and follow the authority chain. Widely used formal
networks are as follows :
              (1) Chain network
              (2) Wheel network
              (3) All channel network.
1. Chain Network : The formal chain of command strictly followed in this type 0:
network. Chain network can be depicted as follows :
2. Wheel Network : Here leader plays the key role. Other members depend on the
leader for group communication. It is as follows

Fig-12 : Wheel Network
3. All Channel Network : This network allows all group members to communicate
 with  each other freely. It can be shown by the following configuration :

Fig-13 : All Channel Network
(B) Informal Network : Informal Networks do not follow authority chain. Here
information can move to any direction freely. There are four informal networks :
              l. Single strand chain.
              2. Gossip chain.
              3. Probability chain and
              4. Cluster chain.
1. Single strand chain : It indicates the passing of information by a long line. Here
the 1st  person tells to 2nd person who tells the message to 3rd person and so on. This
process continues to the last receiver.

2. Gossip chain : Here the leader is the pivotal person. All flows of information ha\
to pass through the leader. This is also ‘known as restricted Network.

Personal Communication Network
The way through which a person communicates with others is known as personal
communication network. Depending on the flow of information and degree of freedom for
feedback there are different types of personal communication networks. According to
Betty R. Ricks and Kay F. Gow three basic personal communication networks are as
follows :
           l. Open Networks
           2. Restricted Networks
           3. Closed Network
1. Open Networks : In this type of networks feedback from the receivers are
encouraged. There are complete freedom for feedback and diagonal communication. Each
member can communicate with others freely.
(i)                freedom for feedback;
(ii) diagonal or cross communication is allowed;
(iii) open environment for exchange of information.
open networks can be depicted as follows:

                 Fig-18 : Open Networks
2. Restricted Networks : In restricted networks there is a key person who act as a
`hub’. Messages are exchanged with and through this key or pivotal person. There are
scopes for feedback but diagonal communication is not allowed.
  Features :
   (i) freedom for feedback;
   (ii) diagonal communication is not allowed;
   (iii) a key person acts as a hub for exchange of information.
Flow of information in restricted networks can be shown as follows :

                                       Fig-19 : Restricted Networks A
3. Closed Network : There is no scope for feedback in a closed network. ln this case
 person provides the information but feedback is not possible. This is an one-way flow
of information.
Features : (i) one-Way flow of information;
                (ii) no scope for feedback.
 Closed network can be illustrated by the following figure:

   Fig-20 : Closed Network

Communication Environment
ln real World situation communication takes place among persons in family, in
workplace or in the social gatherings. Infact communication is not an isolated thing -> it
is within us and we are within it. Thus communication is influenced by the surrounding
elements, which constitute the communication environment.
In the words of Prof. Lesikar and Pettit, "This is the sensory environment, in which
we find ourselves throughout every walking movement."
Finally it can be stated that, the communication environment includes all the elements
by which the communication process is influenced.

Essential Factors of Communication Environment
Essential factors of communication environment are as follows :
1. Two or more persons : It is the first element of communication environment. To
make a communication there must be at least two persons.
2. Willingness to communicate : The second most important factor of the
communication environment is the willingness of the both parties or all the parties to
3. Objectives of communication : The communication environment also influenced
by the objectives or purposes of communication of the all concerned parties.
4. Media of communication : Selection of media of communication has a strong
influence on the communication system.
5. Response of the receiver (Feedback) : Another indispensable factor   of
communication is the response of the receiver. Infact Without feedback the
communication process is not completed.

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