Business can not exist
Without communication. Communication in the business and
for the business can be
termed as business communication. Managers make decisions by
collecting data from
lower level employees. In other words, employees provides
information to the
management for decision making.
it is the fact is organizations can not move or run Without communication.
Prof. Lesikar and Pettit said that- " Business communication is the
ingredient that
makes organization
possible. It is the vehicle through which the basic management
functions are carried
the words of Ricks and Gow-
"Business communication is a
link that allows
organization to
function as a system."
the eyes of Brennar- "Business
communication is the expression channeling,
receiving and
interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry."
the light of above discussion it can be stated that business communication is a
continuous process
through which business related information, ideas, and opinions are
transferred from one
party to another.
Objectives/Purposes of Business Communication
Management of every
business organization want to achieve organizational goal. Tn
main purpose of
communication is to aid management to achieve organizational goal, Th
other important
purposes are stated below :
Fig. 4 : Objectives of Business Communication.
- To make plan : Plan means to take decision what will be done in future Sound communication system provide essential information and data to plan effectively
- To implement plan : Plan can be implemented on the basis of effective direction, motivation and control of the management through sound communication system.
- To formulate policy : Essential information collected from various sources to formulate proper policy. Management depends on communication channels for this purpose.
- To help controlling : Employees are bound to perform their duties and responsi- bilities in time and proper Way under effective control of management. Effective communication system helps management to establish control on employees.
- To motivate' employees : The communication system helps every business organization to apply effective methods of motivation, such as, declare bonus for extra production, commission for extra sales, free medical facilities etc.
- To direct : Management often provide necessary direction to subordinates through communication channels and thus subordinates can perform their duties smoothly.
- To train employees : Essential professional trainings are given under sound communication system to develop the efficiency of employees.
- To co-operate : Efficient communication system ensures mutual cooperation among management, employees, stockholders etc.
- `To create awareness : Sound communication system creates awareness among employees about their duties and responsibilities.
- To improve relationship : Effective communication system creates good relationship between management-employees and among the employees.
- To exchange information : Internal and external parties exchange information among each other through the communication system.
- To increase productivity : Sound communication system helps the management increase productivity.
- To increase sales : Management can increase sales through various media and channel of communication.
- To solve problem : Proper communication helps to solve various problems, such as recruitment, promotion, transfer, etc. .
- To manage conflict : Another objective of communication is to' manage internal conflicts. Conflicts can be solved by effective communication between the concerned parties.
Principles of Communication
Like other discipline business communication
has certain scientific principles. These
are important and relevant to all media but they are most important to written
The principles of business communication are as follows :
1. Clarity:
(a) Clarity of thought : The sender must have clear idea about following
three points
his mind -
(i) What is the objective of communication?
(ii) What is to be communicated?
(iii) Which media will be the most suitable for this
purpose? ‘
Clarity of expression : The sender should be careful about the following
message may be misinterpreted in receiver‘s mind.
(i) Use simple words instead of heavy words-
not use Use
Visualise See
Utilise Use
Use single words instead of long phrases-
not use Use
At all times always
At the present time now
Use verbs inplace of nouns-
not use Use
Come to a conclusion Conclude
Make a decision decide
Avoid double entry-
not use Use
Actual fact fact
11 a.m. in the morning 11 a.m
(v) Use concreate expressions instead of vague
and general statement
Do not use Use
Goods are soon being discussed Goods will be discussed on 2nd July
Prefer active constructions instead of passive constructions
Do not use Use
Your report will be discussed by A Committee will discuss your
a Committee report
Avoid use of the infinitive (to-verb-to give, to learn etc )
Do not use Use
It is my job to supervise I supervise
Avoid Jargon (i. e, special language of trade, profession or field of study)
Do not use Use
Ultimo (the previous month) Write the month
Proximo (next month) Write the name of the month
Avoid ambiguity (i.e. the message contains more than one meaning)
Use short sentences instead of long sentences.
2. Completeness : Completeness of facts is essential in business
should organize in such a way that the receiver has no doubts about anything
in it. Sender should keep following points in his mind to make a message
He should answered all the questions while answering a letter, and
Check for '5 W' questions- who, what,
where, when and why. (R. Pal & Korlahalli, 2002) For example, while
announcing a meeting, specify
(i) When the meeting is to be held? `
(ii) Where it is to be held?
(iii) Why it is to be held?
(iv) What is to be discussed in the meeting?
(v) Who is to attend the meeting?
3. Conciseness : To “win reader's attention, length of message
should be reasonable.
message may be short or long on the basis of describing necessary fact. The rules
help to achieve conciseness :
(i) Include only relevant fact.
(ii) Avoid repeatation.
(iii) Avoid wordy expressions.
(iv) Organize the message well. (R. Pal etal, 2002)
Consideration : In a message consideration, must show to the
reader in the
ways :
(a) Adopt you-view instead of I and we-view.
(b) Avoid gender bias in the following ways :
(i) Use
gender bias free words -
not use Use
Chairman Chairperson,
Policemen Police
(ii) Use a slash (/) to include both alternatives :
Dear Sir/Madum,
Use positive words instead of negative words for approaching.
Courtesy : Courtesy demands a considerate and friendly behavior towards
following principles help to promote courtesy :
(i) Answer the letters promptly.
(ii) Omit irritating expressions.
(iii) Apologies sincerely for
an omission.
(iv) Thank generously for any favour.
Correctness : The following rules
help to achieve correctness in the message:
(i) Transmit correct facts in correct language.
(ii) Message must be transmitted and responded at
appropriate time.
(iii) Message should be sent in correct style after
considering readers:
educational background, vocabulary, specialized
knowledge, psychological make-up, relationship with the organization etc.
Concreteness : The following guidelines help to ensure concreteness in the message:
(i) Use specific facts and figures.
(ii) Put action in the verbs.
(iii) Use vivid and image building words. [H. A.
Murphy, et all : 2000]
Importance/Functions of Business
is a strong relationship between successful communication and employee satisfaction.
Thus effective communication is a precondition for- job satisfaction as well as
for the better productivity of an organization.
Prof. Keith Davis rightly said that, "Communication is necessary
to perpetuate (Preserve) the health of the organization."
communication is effective it tends to encourage better performance and job Satisfaction
(David Pircus-1986).
important functions of business communication are as follows :
1. In decision
making: Managerial decisions
affect the very "existence of the organization. Thus managers need timely
and useful information to make proper decision. Without a sound communication
system useful information can not be provided timely.
2. In making plan : Effective plans are indispensable for the
achievement of the organizational goal and an effective communication network
is essential for making effective plans.
3. Implementation
of plan : A very good plan may
go in vain if the plan is not properly implemented. Top management make the
plan but employees and subordinates implement it. Thus a proper communication
system can ensure proper implementation of a plan.
4. In policy
formulation : Management collect
essential information from various sources through communication channels and
formulates policies.
5. In controlling : Superior established command and control on their
subordinates through downward communication.
6. In motivation : Superiors use various tools of communication to
motivate their subordinates and then subordinates are encouraged to work in
proper way.
7. In direction : Superior often direct their subordinates through
communication channels, and chain of command is established on the whole
8. In cooperation : Co-operative environment is created by proper
communication System.
9. In co-ordination
: Communication co-ordinates between
management and employees.
10 In sharing
ideas : Interested parties can
share their ideas in proper way through sound communication system.
11. In solving
problem : Communication plays
vital role to solve various problems and complexities of business.
minimizing cost, and time : Communication channels provide latest information
and aid to management to minimize cost and save time.
13.In product
development : Management collect
latest information about customers’ choice, demand, ability etc and develop
their product to attract prospective customers.
14.In creating awareness : Proper communication helps to create awareness
among employees about their duties and responsibilities.
15.In public
relation : Communication helps to
establish proper relation with customers, creditors, shareholders, govt, tax
authorities etc.
16. In ensuring
teamwork : Communication makes
whole organization as a team. Teamwork ensure organizational development.
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