There are different types of
network of communication. Communication Network
the channels by which information flows.
Networks can be of two types :
(A) Formal
Network and
(B) Informal
Formal Networks : Formal network
are used for task-related communications.
These are generally vertical type
and follow the authority chain. Widely used formal
networks are as follows :
(1) Chain network
(2) Wheel network
(3) All channel network.
Chain Network : The formal
chain of command strictly followed in this type 0:
network. Chain network can be
depicted as follows :
Wheel Network : Here leader
plays the key role. Other members depend on the
for group communication. It is as follows:
All Channel Network : This network
allows all group members to communicate
with each
other freely. It can be shown by the following configuration :
Informal Network : Informal
Networks do not follow authority chain. Here
information can move to any
direction freely. There are four informal networks :
l. Single strand chain.
2. Gossip chain.
3. Probability chain and
4. Cluster chain.
Single strand chain : It indicates
the passing of information by a long line. Here
the 1st person tells to 2nd person who tells the
message to 3rd person and so on. This
continues to the last receiver.
Gossip chain : Here the leader is the
pivotal person. All flows of information ha\
to pass through the leader. This is
also ‘known as restricted Network.
Communication Network
The way through which a person
communicates with others is known as personal
communication network. Depending on
the flow of information and degree of freedom for
feedback there are different types
of personal communication networks. According to
Betty R. Ricks and Kay F. Gow three
basic personal communication networks are as
follows :
l. Open Networks
2. Restricted Networks
3. Closed Network
Open Networks : In this type of
networks feedback from the receivers are
encouraged. There are complete
freedom for feedback and diagonal communication. Each
member can communicate with others
freedom for
(ii) diagonal or cross communication is allowed;
(iii) open environment for exchange of information.
open networks can be depicted as
Restricted Networks : In restricted
networks there is a key person who act as a
`hub’. Messages are exchanged with
and through this key or pivotal person. There are
scopes for feedback but diagonal
communication is not allowed.
Features :
(i) freedom for feedback;
(ii) diagonal communication is not allowed;
(iii) a key person acts as a hub for exchange of information.
Flow of information in restricted
networks can be shown as follows :
Closed Network : There is no
scope for feedback in a closed network. ln this case
person provides the information but feedback
is not possible. This is an one-way flow
of information.
Features :
(i) one-Way flow of information;
(ii) no scope for feedback.
Closed network can be illustrated by the
following figure:
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