English Literature

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Feedback : Features of Feedback

Feedback is the final step of communication process. Infact communication loop/Cycle completes with the feedback.
  In the words of S.P. Robbins, "Feedback determine whether or not understanding has
been achieved" that is through feedback We can realize Whether the message is understood by the receiver or not.
In short feedback is the response of the receiver.
Principles/Features of feedback : Feedback is essential for the completion of
successful communication. Features of effective communication are as follows :
1. Specific :Feedback should be specific. Ambiguity or double meaning should be
2. Clear : Another important feature of feedback is clearness. That is the response of
the receiver must be clear.
3. Immediate : In case of face to face or oral communication feedback should be given immediately. In case of Written communication it should be provided as early as possible.
4. Detail : Feedback should be provided in detail, Short or brief feedback may be
misleading, thus it should be detail enough to express the actual view.
5. Complete : Feedback should be not only detail but also complete. Incomplete
feedback is confusing and meaningless.
6. Spontaneous : Feedback should not be provided just as a part of formality; it
should be given spontaneously.
7. Understandable : An indispensable principle of feedback is it must be easily
understandable. For successful completion of communication, feedback need to be
understandable by the sender.
These are the principles of effective feedback which should be followed by a receiver
to make -the communication successful.

Feedback is the final link in the communication process. It puts the response of the receiver back into the process and completes the communication cycle. Thus feedback is essential or indispensable for effective communication.
    If no feedback is received the sender can not be sure about the understanding of the receiver.

    Ricks and Gow said, "Feed back must be provided within the communication system to make certain that mutual understanding is achieved."


Fig-10: Feedback
For the following reasons feedback is essential for effective communication :
1. Understand receiver's view : Through feedback the reaction of the receiver can be
easily understood and following steps can be taken.
2. Completing communication process : Infact without feedback there is no communication at all. Whether the messages of the sender is accepted or rejected, used or not by the receiver can not be realized without feedback.
3. Achievement of goal : Each and_ every communication has a predetermined objective. Through feedback that objective can be achieved.
4. Effective decision making : Within the organization the feedback of employees help the top management in taking effective decision.
5. Pre-requisite for further communication : Feedback of the previous communication is a prerequisite/precondition for the further/future communication.

      For example; in a game of chess the next move of a player completely depends on
the move l of his/her opponent. Like this, in business communication future correspondence totally depends on the previous feedback of the receiver.

     Thus it can be revealed that for effective communication the response of the receiver
(feedback) is essential. Finally it can be stated that feedback not only improves communication but also enhance the managerial performance.

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